Fondamenta S.Giacomo 186 30133 Venezia
Our staff are waiting to welcome you
Staff Camplus Venezia
Our staff are waiting to welcome you
On the Venetian island of the same name, highly popular with young people for the informal clubs along the promenade flanking the lagoon, Camplus Giudecca is divided into single and double rooms with comfortable and functional furnishings. Inside the residence there are also several common areas like the study room, communal kitchen, laundry rooms and lobby with reception, so you can rely on our staff at any time. The rent includes all costs for utilities and cleaning the common areas.
50 Guests
28 Rooms
Facilities and common areas
Public transport available nearby
Universities nearby
Università Ca' Foscari (1.8 km) 22 minutes (on foot), 9 minutes (by car), 37 minutes (on public transport)
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